Product documentation
Rental Management Parameters

In this topic the basic parameter setup for Rental Management will be discussed.


 Rental Management - HSO > Setup > Parameters

The parameter form contains the following items: General, Rental Order, Journal Entries, Financial dimensions, Rental Dates and Times, Product Integration, Project Integration, Service Management Integration, Prices, Availability, Transaction colors, Advanced search, Utilisation, Usage and Number Sequences.

Because of the integration with other parts of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations , many of the settings refer to other modules' setup.

Tab General

Field Description
Order type
Order type mandatory If set to 'Yes', this checkbox will make the rental order type mandatory on rental quotes and rental orders
Sales quotation
Account type Sets the account type on the sales quotation to a default. Options: Prospect or Customer.
Sales order
Allow rental type on sales order

Specifies if a Rental type can be used on standard Sales orders.

     Never: Rental types are never allowed on a Sales order

     Intercompany: Rental types are allowed on Intercompany sales orders

     Always: Rental types are allowed on a Sales order (Only to be used if a clear and strong business process exists for this scenario)

Rental financial dimensions Obsolete. Replaced by Financial dimensions setup.
Don't initialize return warehouse from user If set to 'Yes', the system doesn't initialize the return warehouse from user on check-in and termination posting. Instead, it uses the warehouse used in the delivery posting.
Purchase orders
Create asset during product receipt or invoice posting

When set to 'no', no fixed asset(s) will be created during product receipt (or invoice posting).
When set to 'yes', fixed assets will be created for all items using inventory type ‘rental’ during product receipt (or invoice posting).
When set to ‘Yes except standard cost’, fixed assets will be created as well, except when the item uses the standard costing method.

This last option will be used as the default setting in newly setup companies to prevent accidental posting of differences between ledger and subledger for standard costed items.

Validate existing fixed asset

If the option 'New fixed asset' is disabled on a Purchase order, this setting determines the validation level taking place for an existing Fixed asset being specified on the line.

     Never: Doesn't validate if an existing Fixed assed is specified.

     Warning: The following warning message will appear if no existing Fixed asset number is specified on the line: "Fixed asset should be specified on                          the line. Enter one or set the line to create one automatically if needed."

     Mandatory: The following blocking error message will appear if no existing Fixed asset number is specified on the line: "Fixed asset must be                         specified on the line. Enter one or set the line to create one automatically."

Split fixed asset default Determines whether a primary fixed asset will be split into an asset per single quantity upon purchase invoice posting 
Asset purchase invoice journal  Select the Fixed asset journal that will be used when posting purchase invoices. It will be used to move the inventory value to the Fixed asset. The journal must be of the type 'Post fixed assets'.
Skip serial number control check When posting the Product receipt of a Purchase order line it skips the serial number control check if set to 'Yes'. When set to 'No', no double serial number postings are allowed.
Rental objects
Show rental object quick details When activated the Rental object quick details side part is shown instead of the product information quick details side part.
Initiate Rental object financial dimensions on receipt Select 'Yes' if you want the item financial dimensions to be initiated to the Rental object on receipt of the Purchase order. If set to 'No', the standard process is used.
Invoice schedule
Allow asynchronous invoice schedule On saving a rental order line, Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations will generate the invoice schedule automatically. If unchecked the system will generate these immediately, if checked asynchronously.
Financial period This setting determines how revenue is posted in the financial periods.
Fixed price
Allocation Key This will apportion the revenue from rental charges against items depending on cost or sales price of the item on fixed price projects.
Sales to rental
Allow pick from sales inventory Allow a user to do a sales to rental journal in the picking list registration form.


Tab Accounts receivable

Field Description
Default value for 'Rental site' If set to 'Yes', sets boolean for 'create the rental address' to yes when a new customer account is created. Manually adjustable on customer creation.
Invoice profile Enter description here
Calendar ID Enter description here
Invoice consolidation level
Consolidation level Enter description here


Tab Rental Order

Field Description
Rental order ID
Use warehouse number sequence for rental orders When activated, Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations will use the number sequence defined on the warehouse record to generate the sales/rental order number.
Create sub project

When active sets the parameter 'Create sub project' on Rental order creation form to 'Yes'. This will create a sub-project underneath the Rental address project connected to the Customer account selected on the Rental order. This makes financial analysis per Rental roder/sub-project possible.

The setting can be manually adjusted on the Rental order creation form.

Default collection mode Choose which collection mode defaults when creating a collection.
Chargeable time type
Chargeable time type Determines what chargeable time is used on minimum rental orders.
Rental quotation
Create opportunity for rental quotation

Determines the creation of an opportunity when a Rental quotation is created.

     Never: No opportunity will be created for any Rental quotation.

     Prompt: A prompt will appear with the question if an opportunity record should be created. When answered with 'Yes' the opportunity is created, when answered with 'No' it is not.

     Always: An opportunity will be created for every Rental quotation.


Tab Journal Entries

Field Description
Sales to rental Sets the default journal that is used when doing a sales to rental posting on a picking list registration or manual journal entry. This setting is mandatory if the parameter ‘Allow pick from sales inventory’ under the General tab is enabled.
Rental sale Sets the default journal that is used when doing a Rental sale journal entry.
Rental inventory adjustment Sets the default journal that is used when doing a Rental inventory adjustment journal entry.
Intercompany transfer Sets the default journal that is used when an intercompany transfer journal is created.
Intercompany transfer receipt
Inventory adjustment Sets the inventory adjustment journal name used when the intercompany receipt is posted.
Warehouse Warehouse where the Intercompany transfer receipt is posted.


Tab Financial dimensions

The tab page "Financial dimensions" gives the option to setup which Financial dimensions should be taken over to the Periodical Rental charges and/or the Rental Usage charges, including the order they are to be used in.

The following Financial dimension origins are available for selection:

The created list builds top down per dimension, overwriting any values found higher up if they are defined as well on a lower level. 

The below example shows the value that would be used for each of the standard available dimensions with a setup on the Financial dimensions tab of Order lines, Rental object and Sales taker:

Financial dimension setup Business unit Cost center Department Item group Project
Order lines BU-1AA IG-4AA PROJ-5AA
Rental object IG-4BB PROJ-5BB
Sales taker DEP-3AA PROJ-5CC
Used value: BU-1AA -none- DEP-3AA IG-4BB PROJ-5CC


Tab Rental Dates and Times

Field Description
Default on rent
Initial on rent date/time value

When a rental quotation or order is created you can default the on rent date. The options are:

  • (None) – Date and time need to be manually entered
  • Current date and time – The current date and time is used
  • Current date and fixed time - Current date and fixed time is used (time is set below)
  • Manual date and fixed time - The date is left empty, only the fixed time is used (time is set below)
Start time If 'Current date and fixed time' option is selected above, then you can enter the desired fixed time here for the on rent time
Default Off rent
Default off rent date/time

When a rental quotation or order is created you can default the off rent date. The options are:

  • Manual – Date and time need to be manually entered
  • Fixed period – The off rent date is calculated based on the on rent date + a fixed period (to be set below) 
  • Fixed period and fixed time - The off rent date is calculated based on the on rent date + a fixed period and a fixed time (both to be set below) 
  • Manual date and fixed time - The date is left empty, only the fixed time is used (time is set below)
Period If a fixed period option is selected above, then you can enter the desired period type here, which in in combination with the 'periods' option below sets the actual fixed period

If a fixed period option is selected above, then you can enter the desired quantity of periods to define the actual duration of the fixed period

For example: 'Period: Week' and 'Periods: 2' results in a fixed period of 2 weeks on top of the on rent date.

End time If 'Fixed period and fixed time' option is selected above, then you can enter the desired fixed time here for the off rent time
Off Rent Executed
Use default time of day

When a termination note is created, the system looks at this setting: 

  • When the rental parameter ‘Use default time of day’ is set to ‘No’, the current functionality showing the off-rent date is shown (as it does now).
  • When the rental parameter ‘Use default time of day’ is set to ‘Yes’, the date field should be empty when opening this form, but the time field should be filled with the time-value from the new rental parameter ‘default time’ field.


Default time

Fill with the default time that should be used.

Note that this field is only editable when the 'Use default time of day' paremeter is set to 'Yes'.  


Tab Product Integration

Field Description
Minimum rental period
Default minimum rental period (in days) How many days is the default ‘Minimum Rental Period’ to be set to on new/released products
Supplementary items
Show supplementary item dialog Activate this setting to automatically show the supplementary item dialog when saving a rental quote or order line with an item that has supplementary item setup available.


Tab Project Integration

Field Description
Project integration
Address Parent Project Project Id for the parent rental site address project
Site Group Which project group should be used for the address projects when they are created
Revenue Target Select where the rental revenue is posted; to the Address Project or the Rental Object Project. Note that some invoice method restrictions apply when selecting Rental object.
Pass on cost Passes the cost to the Rental object project if set to 'yes'. Default setting is 'No'.
Credit note
Line property

Set the non-chargeable line property that will be used when Rental trasnactions are cancelled.

Note that the line property 'billable' cannot be selected as the line property may not be chargable.

Project Categories
Rental / Cross Rental item Set the default item category for rental items
Minimum rental period
Default value for minimum days enabled Set to yes to use the minimum rental days as a default on new projects and/or rental orders (effectively turning the minimum rental charging functionality on in this legal entity)
Realize journal names
Fee Select the journal to be used for realizing Fee transactions
Expense Select the journal to be used for realizing Expense transactions
Hours - Usage Select the journal to be used for realizing Hour transactions as part of rental usage
Fee - Usage Select the journal to be used for realizing Fee transactions as part of rental usage
Expense - Usage Select the journal to be used for realizing Expense transactions as part of rental usage
Purchase order
Use rental order project ID Set to yes to use the rental order project ID for any direct delivery or purchase orders created from a rental order
New Project
Subproject ID format

Format used when sub-projects are created on Rental order creation (usually underneath the project linked to the Rental address project of the Customer account.

Example: -####

Project number origin

Number sequence uses Rental parameter number sequence.

Object type uses the Service Management parent project setup on the object type.


Tab Service Management Integration

Field Description
Default object owner Select the customer account number to set as default owner of a service object. Usually for own objects
Use object owner as invoice account Use the service objects owner as the invoice account on any item transactions
Rental object maintenance

The (blank) default setting integrates with Service Management. This option uses the service calls and task in the HSO Service Management

The option 'Asset management integration' uses the Asset management module.

The function selected in this parameter will be used during the rental processes. Example: if set to asset management, the system will create an asset workorder during pre- or post-rental inspection. You are still able to use the (other/HSO) module by creating service calls and tasks manually if you desire.

Service order types for rental Grid setup to determine what Service orders should be performed at different stages of a rental objects life


Tab Prices

Field Description
Pricing profile
Use trace Use this to determine how the price was determined (consultant setting, not recommended in a production environment)
Price agreements
Default price agreement Select to set a default price agreement


Tab Availability

Field Description
Max. records Define the maximum number of availability records to show
Transaction color Default transaction color
Highlight source transactions Enable setting to highlight the source transactions
Highlight color Select the color to be used for highlighting the source transactions 
Font color modified transaction Select the color to be used for the font of modified transactions
Scheduler setup
Editable If enabled, the availability scheduler is editable (otherwise it is read only)
Snap to grid If enabled, a selected time range will match the plan interval of the availability scheduler. If the planning interval is set to 30 minutes, any selected time range will start at H:00 minutes or H:30 minutes.
Scheduler prompt
Adjustment Show prompt to confirm an adjustment
Reschedule Show prompt to confirm a reschedule
Status icon
Available Select the icon to be shown when there is availability
Not available Select the icon to be shown when there is no availability
Alternative Select the icon to be shown when the requested object is not available but alternatives are


Tab Transaction colors

Field Description
Transaction Colors Set the color for each transaction type / status


Tab Advanced search

Please read the Advanced Search Setup topic for information on these settings.


Tab Utilization 

Field Description
Calendar ID Default calendar to use for utilization calculations
Rate Default rate to use for utilization calculations
Unit rental price Default unit rental price to use for utilization calculations


Tab Usage

Field Description
Lines on order/quotation
Enabled When enabled, usage lines can be entered on rental orders and quotations
Usage lines position If usage entry lines are enabled, this settings defines the position of the Rental usage lines on the quote/order compared to the Rental lines and Line details
Include usage lines in rental status Determines if the usage lines should be used to calculate the rental status on order header and lines.
Default calendar Default scheduling calendar used on a Rental quote/order usage entry line as long as the actual resource (and therefore the correct calendar) is not yet known. Enables the system to estimate the duration/qty, based on this default calendar.   
Usage line update Determines what will happen with existing and new usage lines when the current rental object is reassigned/exchanged. The options are: 
- Replace the old line with the new one
- Keep only the old line
- Add a new line and keep the old
Minute rounding

Defines the rounding of the start time when realizing hour based usage lines. Enter a number (of minutes).

Example: 10 = rounding per 10 minutes; 15 =rounding per 15 minutes.


Tab Number sequences

Field Description
ProfileId Obsolete
Termination note Number sequence used for the Termination notes
Termination note voucher Number sequence used for the Termination note vouchers
Check-in note voucher Number sequence used for the Check-in note vouchers
Check-in note Number sequence used for the Check-in notes
Collection Id Number sequence used for the Collections
Collection note Number sequence used for the Collection notes
Collection note voucher Number sequence used for the Collection note vouchers
Rental object project Number sequence used for the Rental object projects
Non-asset rental object project Number sequence used for the non-asset Rental object projects (such as Cross rental objects)
Rental journal number Number sequence used for the Rental journals (Rental sale, Sale to rental, Rental inventory adjustment)
Rental object work centre Number sequence used for rental object work centers